One-stop shop for all your AI and data needs

We design, build, and deploy a complete range of solutions in the domains of Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. We can help you drive innovation, unlock progress, automate tasks, and provide certainty to your decision-making.

Predictive analytics for regression, classification and anomaly detection

Data Science & ML remain critical for businesses due to their versatility and effectiveness. We can build predictive models for customer churn, risk assessment, value estimations, profit estimation, completion times, efficiency, sales prioritization, fraud detection, and more.

Demand Forecasting

We excel at large-scale demand estimation, distinguishing sales from demand signals, solving for intermittency, handling product hierarchies, and more. We can be instrumental in driving operational excellence, improving your resource allocation and financial planning.


Earn more and spend less by applying optimization and choosing the right goals, input parameters and a framework of constraints. We can help increase your revenue and margins, manage inventory and distribution, allocate resources, and improve scheduling.

Recommendation systems and clustering

Gain a better understanding of your customers to connect with them more effectively. We can build systems that provide personalized experiences and significantly increase your sales by putting the focus on the right products, services or content for each individual.

Natural Language Processing

Extract meaning from unstructured text data and turn it into actionable insights using NLP. Automate tasks like text/document classification, sentiment analysis, data extraction & entity recognition, and keyword extraction.


Capitalize on groundbreaking innovations in AI for speech and transform your voice-heavy processes. Automatically transcribe speech to text and translate in many languages, detect language and speakers, enable voice control, and unlock advanced Speech Analytics.

Intelligent search & Information retrieval

Enable AI powered search within your company through various documents and media types such as text, image, video and audio files.

Image analytics

Extract meaningful information from images – automatically detect and count objects, segment images, perform visual inspection, classify and tag images, do image captioning, recognize text or handwritten characters, and more.

Video analytics

Automatically analyze video streams and extract valuable insight – track and count objects, tag videos, recognize activities and gestures, estimate pose, caption videos, and more.

Visual search

Bring the convenience of visual search to your systems and customers. Utilize image similarity search to power product catalogs, recommendation systems or search through large databases.

Remote Sensing & GeoAI

Leverage GIS/geospatial data and satellite & drone imagery to derive meaningful insights. Apply AI on remote sensing data to automatically extract information & map objects on imagery, monitor change, assess damage, estimate yield, count instances, and more.

GenAI with Large Language Models (LLMs)

Integrate LLMs, fine-tune them or create custom GPTs. Create question-answering agents able to perform Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) over your company data. Automatically generate reports, articles, content, responses, document drafts, descriptions and more.

Back-office & enterprise automation

Reduce costs and unlock growth with AI automation of manual and repetitive tasks. Streamline a wide range of processes such as data digitization and structuring, document processing and classification, compliance checking, automated data entry, invoice processing, customer request handling, email routing, report generation, and others.

GenAI for images, video and 3D

We are highly enthusiastic about ongoing work in Generative AI for images, videos, 3D objects & environments. We look forward to explore these for Entertainment industry, Game Development, VR, Architecture and Marketing. We invite you to join us and collaborate on this journey of discovery into these exciting fields.

Lay a robust foundation with scalable data platforms & pipelines that future-proof your AI & analytics initiatives.
We can help you to architect, implement, and optimize your data infrastructure to unlock actionable insights, drive innovation, and foster data-driven decision-making processes. 

Data Architecture Design

We design scalable architectures that enable AI/ML development and facilitate seamless integration with analytics tools, enhancing your ability to generate actionable insights, support strategic decision-making and create innovative products.

Modern Data Foundation development

We are experienced in navigating complex data landscapes, structured and unstructured, real-time and batch, generated centrally or on edge. We make this available by implementing a centralized data platform, optimized for performance and AI/ML application readiness.

Data Operations and Pipeline development

We develop efficient data pipelines that support real-time analytics and enable you to act on insights quickly and decisively. We utilize modern DataOps practices, validation and versioning tools to automate data deployment and management, thus reducing time-to-insight.

Big Data and IoT Integration

Seamlessly integrate the power of Big Data and IoT into your operations, transforming raw data into actionable intelligence for strategic advantage

Operationalize insights into meaningful actions and ideas into impactful products. With a proven track record in building and deploying intelligent systems, we guarantee that your AI and data products meet the highest technological standards and are aligned with your company objectives.

AI/ML product Factory

Our AI/ML project development framework addresses the pervasive challenge of AI & ML models falling short in production and ROI. From testing project feasibility within a Proof of Concept to a fully developed ML/AI product, we minimize risks and prevent over-investment at a predefined price, and offer rapid prototyping with an expert team tailored to your needs.

AI/ML platforms

Build and run applications with AI at the core. We bring seasoned expertise in building intelligent platforms powered by predictive intelligence, catering to diverse industries and businesses.


Get the most from your AI & ML models throughout their lifecycles. Leverage our experience in MLOps and Solution Architecture to reliably deploy your AI/ML models to production and automate processes such as feature engineering, model (re)training, deployment and monitoring.

Data visualization and Business Intelligence

Having the right metrics and visualizations at your fingertips in crucial moments can make a difference between industry-leading performance and major operational setbacks. We can empower your decision making by visualizing key metrics and providing answers to important business questions.

Operationalize insights into meaningful actions and ideas into impactful products. With a proven track record in building and deploying intelligent systems, we guarantee that your AI and data products meet the highest technological standards and are aligned with your company objectives.

AI/ML use case discovery & design

Within 48 hours, identify areas where AI can transform your business or enrich your product. Spend two days in a collaborative workshop with us where we explore ideas, their feasibility, asses data requirements, design prototype ideas and create a roadmap for next steps.

AI & Data Strategy bootcamp

Over the course of six weeks, facilitate an organizational transformation through a series of interviews and workshops. We’ll evaluate your data architectures, align data capabilities with business goals, plan resource allocation, upskill employees, identify top applications for AI/ML and much more. The outcome is a future-proof Strategy Roadmap that outlines actionable steps and empowers sustained innovation and growth.

Consulting and upskilling