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We are Upp

Your full-stack AI services partner

We provide a complete range of AI and data services to power solutions for toughest challenges.

We build impactful solutions.

We help companies design, build, and deploy AI and data solutions. We have a track record of 7 years in empowering businesses to drive innovation and create significant impact.

Shaped by cross-industry experience.

From startups to multi-billion dollar enterprises across 8 industries, our experience allows us to look at challenges from many angles, understand the big picture, and transfer effective strategies across sectors.

Powered by full-stack expertise.

We are dedicated to a holistic, full-stack approach to problem-solving. We excel at both strategy and execution, cover diverse AI domains, and our full-stack data scientists and engineers can tackle an exceptionally high range of challenges.

years in ai/ml,data science
years of development experience
Completed Projects
Produced annual $$$ savings
our services

Complete AI & Data Solutions For Your Business

AI & ML 01
Use AI to drive innovation, unlock new possibilities, and empower decision-making.
Data Engineering 02
Lay a robust data foundation that future-proofs your AI & analytics initiatives.
Operationalization 03
Operationalize insights into meaningful actions and ideas into impactful products
Consulting 04
Identify where AI and analytics can create value or power product ideas

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